The Canaud Lab received the Jean-Pierre Lecocq Prize!

On October 16 2018, the Canaud Lab was awarded with the Jean-Pierre Lecocq Prize from the French Academy of Sciences. Each year since 1992, this prize allocates 30 000 € for outstanding research projects in Applied and Fundamental sciences. Learn more about the French...

Grant from the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation

In 2018, Guillaume Canaud received a grant from the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation. Three annual grants are intended for young French teams leading research projects in annually defined fields (chemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genomics, integrative...

Congratulation to Quitterie and all the team members!

Congratulation to Quitterie for her work on PIK3CA inhibition in patients with PIKC3CA Related Overgrowth Syndrome published in Nature! The team recently demonstrated the efficacy of a novel medication, a specific inhibitor called BYL719, in a cohort of 19 patients...