
Guillaume Canaud’s team, called “Mechanisms and therapeutic strategies in overgrowth syndromes and vascular anomalies”, aims at working on the discovery of new treatment for rare disorders involving the PIK3CA/AKT/mTOR pathway. Our goal is to offer to patients molecular targeted therapy.
To this aim we are using complementary in vivo and in vitro approaches, innovative new technology of bioengineering and we develop genetically modified mouse models.
The power of our Institution is to be located in the close vicinity of the clinical department allowing bed to benchside or vice et versa approaches. Using this method, we discovered promising treatment for other disorders such as mitochondrial diseases, antiphospholipid vasculopathy, CLOVES syndrome or other PIK3CA related overgrowth syndrome.
To learn more about the team’s research, a radio interview is available on Canal Académie in French.