Canaud Lab
Our goal is to understand the physiopathology and to discover new treatments for rare disorders involving the PIK3CA/AKT/mTOR pathway.
Our research is supported by the European Commission (European Research Council Starting grant acronym PAPA_Study and European Research Council Proof of Concept grant, acronym CureTheCloves) but also by several Foundations.
The laboratory is located at the Necker Hospital (Paris). The team belongs to the INEM (Institut Necker Enfants Malades) and the Renal division.
The best of scientific research committed to Patients
Ma Thèse en 180s : Clémentine Marie est sélectionnée pour la finale nationale
The team participated to the “TOR de France”
In October 14-15, the team participated to the "TOR de France" conference. Guillaume Canaud delivered a lecture on new developments for PIK3CA-Related overgrowth spectrom and the team presented a poster on the Impact of PIK3CA Gain-of-function mutation in renal and...
Novartis announces findings from a real-world study of alpelisib demonstrating clinical benefit in people with PIK3CA-Related Overgrowth Spectrum (PROS)
PROS is a spectrum of rare disorders caused by PIK3CA mutations and is characterized by atypical, visible overgrowths and anomalies in blood vessels, the lymphatic system and other tissues At 24 weeks, 38% of patients achieved ≥20% reduction in the volume of the...
ESMO 2021 – Real-life data demonstrating the efficacy of alpelisib in dysharmonious hypergrowth syndromes (called PROS) linked to activating mutations of the PIK3CA pathway
The team of Professor Guillaume Canaud of the adult nephrology-renal transplantation department of the Necker-Enfants Malades AP-HP hospital, has been very involved for several years in the management of patients with dysharmonious hypergrowth syndrome (PIK3CA-Related...